Welcome to Special Services
The Millburn Township Public Schools Department of Special Services, in compliance with the New Jersey Administrative Code, provides quality education in the least restrictive environment to its students who are educationally disabled and require special education services. Emphasis is placed on facilitating inclusion in general education settings to the fullest extent possible. Programs are assessed on an ongoing basis to ensure that student's individual needs are met. A range of placement options is available in accordance with Individual Education Plans. These placements include:
• Regular Education with Supports and Services
• In-Class Support Resources
• Resource Center Support
• Resource Center Replacement
• Self-Contained Classes
• Dedicated Placements
Special Services Staff is comprised of experts in their fields who are dedicated to developing education plans and delivering services vital to meeting each student’s needs. Our staff consists of Child Study Team case managers and related services providers, as well behavioral, social skills, ABA and psychiatric consultant personnel. Our Special Education Teachers are expert, enthusiastic and committed to providing the highest level of education available. Evidence of their hard work and dedication is substantiated by the Special Education Report Cards developed by the New Jersey Department of Education, wherein Millburn Township Public Schools exceeded State targets in all areas delineated.
Millburn Township Public School District has Intervention and Referral Services (I&RS) Teams at all district schools. The I&RS Team is available to assess students brought to their attention for social, emotional, or educational needs. The I&RS Team receives referrals from building principals, counselors, Child Study Team members, and teachers. The Intervention and Referral Services Team is consulted as a pre-referral intervention to the special education evaluation process.
A student may be referred to the Child Study Team for evaluation by teachers, parents/guardians, counselors, and/or building administrators. Parents/guardians may request consideration for evaluation of their child by contacting the building principal or by writing a request to the Director of Special Services.