Connected Mathematics 3, or CMP3, is an inquiry-based mathematics program for Grades 6-8. It helps students actively focus on math problem solving, reasoning and proof, communication, representation, and connections. These math practices require students to look deeper and connect problem solving to practical situations. Funded in part by the National Science Foundation, and developed through Michigan State University, CMP3 provides a powerful inquiry model for learning mathematics. Connect mathematical ideas to students’ everyday world.
Our Algebra I course builds upon topics studied in the Connected Math Program, and enables students to assemble the skills necessary for Geometry and Algebra II. Students will study three major types of functions: linear, exponential, and quadratic. Instruction will be made relevant and authentic through connections to the student’s life outside of the classroom and to other disciplines.
Math Enrichment
This year students will have the opportunity to participate in the a number of math enrichment opportunities in the form of contests and competitions in an on-line format.
All of the most up-to-date information will be available for students in the Math Enrichment Google Classroom. All sign-up forms, practice problems, and last minute changes will be posted in the Google Classroom. Students should check this google classroom frequently in the days leading up to each competition.
Below is the Google Classroom Invite Code:
Google Classroom Invite: ksagiz3
Click here for the 2024-2025 Competition Schedule
and additional information.