Millburn Middle School Library
Welcome to the Millburn Middle School Library!
Mr. Zach Gross, School Library Media Specialist
To search for books, please visit Destiny, our library catalog.
About The Library
Our media center houses more than 12,000 volumes and is an active center for research needs integrated with our curriculum, as well as a good source for pleasure reading. The MMS library fully supports the district curriculum through a wide range of print, ebooks, digital audio books and electronic resources. The collection is vigorously maintained for currency, condition, appeal, and represents the best available titles for this age group. A primary objective of the library is to promote pleasure reading reflecting a wide range of perspectives.Our nonfiction choices are especially extensive as curriculum requirements have demanded in recent years.
The library has online databases for all major subject areas. Through the generosity of our PTO, the library offers access to the New York Times for use in our building.
Borrowing policies: Students may check out 3 books at any one time for a two week period but students are encouraged to take out extra books as desired. Renewals are encouraged.
Library Staff
Mr. Gross joined MMS as the School Library Media Specialist in 2022. He is a graduate of the Millburn Public Schools. He attended Rutgers University where he earned a BA, Master's of Library and Information Science, and a Master's of Educational Administration. Mr. Gross has worked as a School Librarian for 13 years and has experience at the elementary, middle, and high school levels.
Any questions regarding the library should be referred to Zachary Gross, Librarian at (973) 379-2600, Ext 20321 or Email Zachary Gross